Short Stories by Christine Williamson
It had been a cheerful evening and the unfamiliar sound of laughter filled the air. As the women talked, their conversation glowed with friendly humour. Janet had planned this evening for some time now and was glad she had asked her friends over, but all too soon it was time for them to leave. They gave Janet a hug, with the promise to fellowship again soon.
Janet stood now taking a dismal look into the kitchen. What a mess! The supper of salad, lasagna, and freshly made cheesecake had been very satisfactory, but now it was clean-up time. Her friends had offered to help after the meal. Janet didn’t want to tell them the dishwasher was broken, so she had rushed them off to the livingroom to show them the new photos of the children.
Janet rolled up her sleeves, squirted the dishwashing liquid into the sink. It didn’t take too long until the dinner set was all washed and cleaned. Just as she reached for the pots, a tired feeling swept throughout her body. Looking at the kitchen clock, it said thirty minutes past midnight.
“What a long day it’s been”, thought Janet. Most days were. Her busy office job, then the children to be picked up from the sitter’s home. Her little daughter Bonnie just turned three, and son Paul, now five. They always seemed to be in motion. “If only I had some of their abundant energy.”
Category(s): Inspiration