Thinking of what most days were like; work, supper, playtime, bath; usually by the time the children went to sleep, Janet was completely exhausted.
Then the thoughts returned to the good evening with her friends. “I’m glad I used my best dinner set in serving my guests. I will just put the dinner plates back into the china cabinet, then get off to bed.” Opening the glass door, Janet noticed her little vase sitting on the front shelf. Instead of moving it Janet just lifted the plates over the top of it, to the back of the shelf, but as she did, the plates just touched the side of the vase.
Over it fell, right out of the cabinet. Janet heard herself give a little cry. There was nothing she could do to stop the fall. Down the vase went; crashing to the hardwood floor, and breaking. Janet knelt to the floor beside the broken pieces. “How could I have been so careless.” Then all the same old emotions ran over her. The tears now her closest companion, ran down her face. The vase had been given as a Christmas present from her Aunt.
She thought of that happy Christmas when she took the little purple vase from the gift box. What a precious gift! “Oh thank you Auntie”, Janet had said, “I will always cherish it.” Another tear fell. The vase meant too much to her now. Seeing the broken pieces lying on the floor was just another reminder of her life; a broken family, a broken marriage, a broken heart.
Category(s): Inspiration